Published On:Saturday, 6 September 2014
Posted by Celebrate Life Style information Blog

Trial over the Murder of Akong Rinpoche Begins

Akong Rinpoche. From http://north-fife.blogspot.com.
Two men accused of killing Akong Rinpoche, his nephew, and his assistant, went on trial on 27 August in Chengdu. The three victims were stabbed to death in October 2013. Tania Branigan of The Guardian reports that Tudeng Gusha and his nephew, Ciren Banyue, are accused of premeditated homicide. Another nephew, Geni Jiangcuo, is charged with aiding and abetting.

Sharon Liptrott of the Daily Record reports that, according to the police investigation, the murders may have been sparked by a financial dispute. Tudeng Gusha, a religious sculptor, resided at Akong Rinpoche’s centres in Scotland and London for five years carving sculptures. The Telegraph’s Malcolm Moore reports from the court hearing that Tudeng Gusha had asked for more money from Akong Rinpoche for the sculptures he had carved during his stay at Rinpoche’s centers. He is said to have asked for 2.7 million yuan for his completed work, but apparently Akong Rinpoche gave him only 10,000 yuan, saying there was no such agreement between them over payment. However, Tudeng Gusha continued to demand more money, and later allegedly carried out the crime with his two nephews when Akong Rinpoche was in Chengdu for the annual inspection of his projects and the distribution of funds. -See at full Historic: http://enews.buddhistdoor.com/en/news/d/48530

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Posted by Celebrate Life Style information Blog on 00:14. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Celebrate Life Style information Blog on 00:14. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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