Published On:Tuesday 21 October 2014
Posted by Celebrate Life Style information Blog

First International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony Held in America

Buddhistdoor International, BD Dipananda::
Postcard for the First International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony. From http.lbdfi.org
From 9–11 October, the first International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony in America was held in downtown Berkeley. Hosted by Light of Buddhadharma Foundation International (LBDFI), in association with the Nyingma Institute, Dharma College, and the Mangalam Centers, the event featured the recitation of the Pali Canon and was dedicated “for the benefit of all beings, and for the Sound of Dhamma to radiate in all directions through the precious Mahasangha.” The entire event was livestreamed, and the program organizers stated on the website: “May all these auspicious circumstances lead us to do more wholesome actions for the benefit of all beings around the world! Our prayers are dedicated for World Peace and Inner Harmony.”

Over 50 eminent Theravada monks and nuns from Northern California’s Burmese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai, Sri Lankan, and Vietnamese Buddhist temples came together to chant over the three days, along with many lay Buddhist followers and the general public. The opening day began with a silent Peace Walk from the Nyingma Institute to the Dharma College and Mangalam Centers through the University of California, with the lay assembly escorting the monastics in a colorful procession—all were invited to wear traditional dress from their national, ethnic, or ancestral tradition. Following the walk, the participants began the chanting of the Tipitaka at the Mangalam Centers.

On the first two evenings, Dhamma talks were offered by Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi and Venerable Ajahn Pasanno Maha Thero on “An Overview of the Structure of the Nikayas in the Pali Canon” and “Awaking an Understanding of Merit, the Four Noble Truths, and the Eightfold Path,” respectively. In response to Bhikkhu Bodhi’s talk, netizens expressed their deep gratitude for the beautiful teaching: “May the world be led by clean and pure minds! Thank you for the beautiful teachings!” commented Paula Rozin. On the final evening, cultural performances of stories of the Buddha’s past lives and Thai and Sri Lankan traditional dances were offered, as well as a film celebrating the work of LBDFI in India.

Commenting on the importance of the event, LBDFI’s executive director Wangmo Dixey said: “Attending a chanting ceremony is a wonderful experience. It is through chanting the teachings of the Buddha that the blessings enter our spirit and bring benefit to all . . . the teachings of the Buddha have come down to us to the present day, bringing their message of tolerance and understanding to all beings.”

The International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony was inaugurated in 2006 on the occasion of the 2,550th Buddha Jyanti at Bodhgaya in India. With the primary sponsorship of LBDFI, the ceremony is organized by the International Tipitaka Chanting Council (ITCC) from 2–13 December every year under the Bodhi Tree in Bodhgaya. Sequential sections from the Pali Canon are chanted each time, so that eventually the entire canon will have been recited under the tree, where the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni, attained enlightenment.

To achieve its aims, LBDFI has adopted a four-fold strategy: (1) As well as being the primary sponsor of the international chanting ceremony in India, it supports other chanting ceremonies in locations important to the Buddha-sasana; (2) It has been active in renovating ancient sites of pilgrimage; (3) It plans to initiate the proper training of Indian monks; and (4) It plans to build on these foundations by sponsoring programs of outreach to the Indian public at large.

Initiated in order to achieve their first goal, this year’s event in Berkeley builds on LBDFI’s work in Asia. -BuddhistDoor International.

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Posted by Celebrate Life Style information Blog on 06:24. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Celebrate Life Style information Blog on 06:24. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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