Published On:Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Posted by Celebrate Life Style information Blog
4th International Bhikkhuni Day Celebrates Buddhist Nuns
On 6 September, the 4th International Bhikkhuni Day (IBD) was celebrated around the world. The idea originated with the Alliance for Bhikkhunis in California in 2011, with the intention to honor the role of nuns in preserving the Dhamma. Each year, a particular nun is chosen to learn about and venerate, and this year special tribute was paid to Yasodhara, the wife of the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama. Doju Dinajara Freire, from Dojo Zen Sanrin at Fossano in northern Italy, had this to say about her sangha’s celebrations on the Facebook page of the Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women: “We enjoyed it a lot, everyone felt very good . . . the spiritual atmosphere came from the very heart . . . Yashodhara parfumed [sic] our mind-hearts surely.” See at more: