Published On:Thursday 4 September 2014
Posted by Celebrate Life Style information Blog


Siddjartha left the mansion with the sole intonation of attaining Enlightenment (Bodhi) regarding the problems of life. Therefore he is called a Bodhisattva – A person searching for Enlightenment.
Bodhisattva Siddhartha did not the path to Enlightenment. So he decided to go to a teacher. He selected the well known ascetic Alara Kalama as his teacher. The Bodhisattva was so clever that within a short period he learnt all that Alara Kalama was able to teach. Then Alara Kalama invited the Bodhisattava to join him in teaching and leading the other pupils. Bodhisattva Siddhartha very politely declined this invitation and went in search of another who was able to teach him further.
Then he went to Uddaka Ramputtra, another famous teacher. As before, within a short period he learnt everything Udaka Ramputta knew. Like Alara Kalama he also invited the Bodhisattva to join him teaching others. Onece again did not accept the invitation. He went to many other teachers. but could not find a teacher capable to search the path by himself. At this time five other ascetics joined the Bodhisattva.
The Bodhisattva had two paths open before him. One path consisted of complete enjoyment of sensual pleasures. (Kamaskhallikanuyoga), The other path consisted of giving pain Bodhisattva knew that the path of sensual enjoyment will not lead him to Enlightenment. So he decided to try the other path, the path of difficult ascetic practices.
Following this path he practiced very difficult ascetic practices. He tried to control his mind by force. He tried to stop breathing completely. When he stopped breathing through the nose and the mouth the wind, making a loud noise, escaped through his ears. Then he felt as if his head was going to burst, as if his stomach was being cut with a sharp knife. He completely gave up eating any food and he was reduced to a skeleton.
It become very clear to him that the path of difficult ascetic practice was of no use. It was only making him physically weak, and this affected him mentally also. Often he fainted and he was confused. So he decided to give up that practices and start to take food. The five ascetics who were with him eagerly expecting to see him attain Enlightenment did not want Bodhisattva to give they protested and left in disgust accusing Bodhisattva of being temped to revert to enjoyment of comforts of life.
One morning the Bodhisattva having bathed and eaten the rice gruel offered by Sujata sat under the Bodhi tree determined not to tise unitil he attained enlightenment.          

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Posted by Celebrate Life Style information Blog on 11:39. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Celebrate Life Style information Blog on 11:39. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response


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